From 11 AM - 12 PM everyday (Mon-Fri) is virtual office hours. Please use the calendly meeting scheduler below to setup an appointment during virtual office hours, I have also added my ERAP time into potential times for student meetings. This time is dedicated to private or small group meetings with students. If you don’t need a private meeting and have general questions you can always attend my group office hours on Friday’s from 1 PM - 2:30 PM. More information is available at the bottom of the page.

Mr. McCune’s Green Sheet for Distance Learning

In this unpredictable time we have moved to distance learning as a district. I have put together this green sheet for you in terms of what to expect, for now, but the only constant thing in this situation is change. Plan on being flexible, as I will plan to be with you, as we move through this chaos.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME. As a teacher I have never experienced anything like this before, so just know the impact on your grade during this time will be monitored closely and as long as you follow these minimum instructions you will not be penalized. Things will also adjust accordingly and you will be made aware of these changes.


Students will need to be present for class in order to maintain attendance. Since I know many of you have varying levels of responsibility during this time, you will be marked present by attending your classes Zoom meeting and submitting a survey once a week prior to your designated “block”. I also reserve the right to make individual agreements with students in order to be flexible with attendance, so please contact me if you are unable to complete these requirements.

Weekly assignments will be posted to School Loop as well as a new webpage dedicated to our classes ( for you to finish by the next week. For example, if I assign something on Tuesday March 24th for US History, students will have until the following week March 31st to turn it in. They will then complete a survey on March 31st for attendance as well as attend the class meeting conducted on Zoom.

Class by Class

Block 2: US History (Tuesday 9:00 - 10:30AM)

Block 3: US History (Tuesday 1:00 - 11:30AM)

Block 4: Training for Transition (Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30AM)

Block 7: Training for Transition  (Thursday  1:00 - 2:30PM)

  • Classwork will be a continuation of content from class.

Office Hours: Friday:  1:00-2:30 PM 

I will be available to answer any questions during office hours. Contact info is at the bottom of the page. If you need for direct assistance, video conferencing through zoom will be available during office hours, or by appointment, as well. Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.

Thank you,

Mr. McCune

Ways to Contact Mr. McCune: Email Instagram @coachmccune School Loop

Google Hangouts Voicemail (408) 522-2400 ext. 3898

Online Attendance Check In Survey for the Week of 5/4 - 5/8 (week 6)

Zoom meeting class attendance is still required. Be sure to look at your course site and attend your Zoom Video Conference session for your class.


Specific Course Sites

Necessary Online Tools, which require FUHSD Login

Google Classroom will only be used with Training for Transition classes
