The majority of our US History class work will be done straight off of School Loop. Assignments will be listed there, with occasional resources that can be found here. Please start each of your class periods on the START HERE page. On the START HERE page you will have online survey’s each week and announcements. Please check that page prior to going to the site specific pages.


We will hold our first online class meetings through Zoom on Tuesday 3/24/2020. Please download and login to Zoom using Google (student account) and test before the time comes that you are to login. You will have a 1.5 hour window to check in to class, connect, ask questions, and get any information that may be pertinent before you can log off. You will not be required to stay on the Zoom meeting for the entire 1.5 hours.
— Mr. McCune
We will be using for communication. Please sign up with the links at the bottom of the page or by clicking the buttons right below this announcement.
— Mr. McCune
We are in week #3 at this point, if you haven’t done any of the work you aren’t looking good for passing. Please contact me with any questions or issues. Spring break is next week, there will be no online class, and your assignment #3 will be due after we return to online class from break.
— Mr. McCune
Special Office Hours today on Watergate. Resources are posted inside the meeting post and linked below assignment #4. We will be discussing the Watergate Assignment (Assignment #4) on Tuesday.
— Mr. McCune
For assignment #7 you will have to use google to do some outside research to come up with your answers. Please re-read your work prior to submitting. Also, there are two videos below the submission form with more information.
— Mr. McCune


Final Questions

SAI US History


Unit 6 Objective 3 - Explain how the federal, state, and local governments have responded to demographic and social changes such as population shifts to the suburbs, racial concentrations in the cities, Frostbelt-to-Sunbelt migration, international migration, decline of family farms, increases in out-of-wedlock births, and drug abuse.

Time Period: 1890s - 1920s

Background Information: During the Industrial Revolution (1800s -1929) many problems arose. Immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Germany, Eastern Europe, China, Japan, and Mexico were coming to America to escape problems in their home countries. These immigrants settled in urban or rural areas – urban places (cities) provided unskilled factory jobs and rural (farmland) areas had unskilled jobs in agriculture, mines, and railroads. They were paid low wages and lived in poor buildings (tenements) in poor neighborhoods (slums). Lack of safety laws made the workplace very dangerous and a lack of food and drug laws made many products unsafe to eat or drink. In the antebellum period, slavery became more widespread, but after 1865 when the 13th Amendment made slavery illegal, free blacks were being mistreated by individuals, groups (like the Ku Klux Klan), the police, and businessmen. On top of all this, half of the population who were women had no suffrage rights in state or national elections, and they were legally treated different from men. The government was not helping to change these problems, and some people called Populists wanted more ways to let citizens participate in their government. With all these problems, many people fought to make our society more fair and helpful.

This was called the Progressive Era.

Assignment: For each problem below, write two detailed laws that would solve the problem. When you have 2 laws, use the Progressive Individuals handout or ask your teacher about what they did so you can explain if they did enough to help solve the problem or not (and explain WHY). Finally, describe what the government did for the problem.

Movie Link: N/A

Sample Google Doc: N/A

SOURCE: adapted from Progressive Era Review